I, your humble noir artist, have been interviewed by the crew of Moonhawk Studios Presents!
We talked about noir, history and the art style of Shamus Stone. I had a great time doing it.
I, your humble noir artist, have been interviewed by the crew of Moonhawk Studios Presents!
We talked about noir, history and the art style of Shamus Stone. I had a great time doing it.
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It was great fun having you on the show again, Nathan! Everyone reported that they had a very good time, and the listeners in the live chatroom seemed to enjoy hearing from a webcomic artist for a change. (we’ve strayed a lot into video games of late. So it was a nice change of pace. lol) I’ll keep an eye on Shamus Stone and be on the lookout for the Next Big thing(tm) from you so we can have an excuse to have you on again. Until next time.
~MacPaladin – Host, Moonhawk Studios Presents